Friday, August 21, 2009

Vitamin D -- Why are we suddenly deficient?

Hi Everyone,

You hear it all over the news... We have become a society of Vitamin D deficient people! I don't know how old you are, but I can't remember hearing Vitamin D deficiency called an epidemic! What?? I was always told that you drank milk and you got the stuff! But... I'm lactose intolerant. I can't drink milk. And I have never been told I was Vitamin D Deficient... until recently. So, on the console of the very computer I am writing this from sits a bottle of Vitamin D-3! And as I walk around my office -- I'm not alone! WTH??? What happened to us??

Well... you know I always start with an explanation/definition, so here it comes. Vitamin D (Calcitriol) plays the important role of increasing the flow of calcium to the bloodstream and promoting absorption of calcium from food in the intestines. It is important for bone growth and bone remodeling. We get Vitamin D from food sources like milk and some green leafy veggies, but we really get a big dose of it from the SUN.

Ok... now back to the original question... Why are we deficient? When I was a kid, there was no Playstation or X Box... My fun came from going OUTSIDE and playing in the sun. So even if I was lactose intolerant, I was fine because I played outside. That explains the children. What about the adults. Well with 2000 cable channels to entertain us and most of us taking our cars even the shortest distances, we don't get sun either. Long gone are the days of weekends in the park or barbeques at the with the family at the state park loaded with outside activities. We live the lives of MOLES. We only come out when necessary and it's to our detriment! And we won't even talk about our diets!!! How many of us really drink enough milk or eat enough dark green leafy veggies??? I bet not many of us.

We have to take care of ourselves! Eat better, go back to taking that walk after dinner, or even sitting in the park at lunch. All of which will help to satisfy our body's requirement of Vitamin D.

One last tidbit! Did you know that those with darker skin may actually need MORE sunlight than those who are have lighter complexions. The reason is because the melanin in darker skin acts as a sunscreen and therefore doesn't allow as much absorption to the skin in the same amount of time as the person with lighter skin. Melanin is great to fight against skin aging, but not so great because it fights against the absorption of Vitamin D.

I hope this helps! Protect your body! Protect Your Skin!

With Sweet Goodness,

1 comment:

  1. Again I love this point of information! You have open my mind to a whole new out look on Vitamin D intake.
