Monday, August 17, 2009

Parabens -- What are they and are they dangerous?

Hey Everyone!

Parabens? What the heck is that? Why is everyone freaking out about them? Well, I am going to let you know what they are, what to look for on your skin care labels and some of the effects. As always, I am going to let you come to your own conclusion at the end.
Ok... Parabens are preservatives used to keep products from spoiling; allowing it to stay on the shelf in your local drug store for what seems like forever. Many of your favorite skin care companies use these in their products. It can be found in everything from Shampoo & Bath Gel (remember... the skin absorbs everything...) to toothpaste. Most common forms of these are methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben or butylparaben. So what does that mean to you??

A study conducted by Dr. Phillipa Darbre and colleagues at the University of Reading, United Kingdom, published in 2004, showed that there was substantial amount of paraben compounds in breast cancer tumors (18 traces of parabens found out of 20 tumor samples). It was suggested that parabens found in underarm deodorants migrated to the breast cells and eventually caused the growth of tumors cells in the breast of both women & MEN (yes... men have breast tissue also!)

Many people were also found to develop allergic reactions due to use of products containing parabens. Parabens may trigger various types of dermatitis (eczema) and other skin conditions. When absorbed by the body, it is suggested that parabens cause estrogenic effects. They mimic and behave like estrogen, leading to various interferences with the endocrine system.

Admittedly, there are no hard scientific studies that categorically point out parabens as bad and harmful to the body. So far, studies, such as the 2004 University of Reading research conducted, only indicate correlation between paraben intake and certain diseases. In other words, there are no very conclusive report that is widely accepted in the scientific community. In fact, the American Cancer Society has concluded that there is no good scientific evidence to support a claim that use of cosmetics such as antiperspirants increase an individual's risk of developing breast cancer.

So... Are parabens bad??? Well, if we listen to the American Cancer Society, there is nothing to support these claims, but I haven't seen anything to completely discredit the claims either (and I've looked!) ... So, I feel, that if you are really serious about your health and well-being, you may want to eliminate placing any product on your body that is linked to studies which suggest it causes cancer. But as always... The choice is yours. Protect your skin... Protect your body...
With Sweet Goodness,