Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Have You Been Diagnosed With Depression?

I know it's been FOREVER since I posted. But I have had to revaluate what was going on in my world and work on making my life a little sweeter. Well actually.... A lot sweeter.

I'll share with you what's been going on. Remember a while back, I had a post about Vitamin D. I told you about how people had Vitamin D deficiencies and it it affected skin and hair and all that good stuff. Well... Vitamin D also affects your BRAIN. For about the past 8 years I haven't been feeling right. In the beginning, it was just that kind of "off" feeling we get from time to time. But then it got worse. Over the past 6 years I have been hospitalized for anxiety twice. Was told to spend a couple of days resting and they would release me. Now, they did blood work each and every time. I would go to the doctor and they would tell me I was depressed. Over the past 2 years I have felt like I was under water. I would go to the mall and would have to sit down frequently because the walls looked like they were closing in on me... Like the people around me looked like they were swelling. It was weird... And draining. I was constantly tired and somewhat suidical. I couldn't focus at work and couldn't remember anything. I had a nervous breakdown one evening and the EAP (Employee Assistance Program) at my job suggested to my husband that he take me to the Psychiatric Hospital here in Atlanta immediately. They wanted to admit me because they thought I was going crazy! I felt like I was going crazy!! I decided to make an emergency appointment with one of their psychiatrists and saw her the next morning.

She first listened to what I had to say and then stated, "Well... You are clinically depressed". She prescribed Cymbalta and sent me on my way. Well after 5 weeks of taking the meds, I was feeling ok, but was starting to go back to feeling bad again. I called the doctor and she said, I would like for you to come in and have your Vitamin D levels checked. So I did...

Doctors get concerned when you Vitamin D levels are below 40. My doctor gave me a frantic call and told me my Vitamin D Level was 6! Not 60.... 6. And she was calling in a prescription for me immediately. She has me on Vitamin D therapy. A prescription of 50,000 iu of D every week for 8 weeks.. She will check my blood again in 2 weeks (this is week 6). But let me tell you. I feel AMAZING. I feel better than I have in 15 years. I have tons of energy, I can focus and I'm even getting frisky with my husband (he says we're going to keep a truckload of it! LOL!) I am even able to stay controlled on my diet. I've lost 11 pounds since I started the therapy. And I haven't had one suicidal thought .

How strange it is that I had been to countless doctors, hospitalized twice and NO ONE thought to check my Vitamin D Levels. It's a test you have to ask your doctor for. I implore you all to ask your doctors to check your Vitamin D levels. I had NO idea that it could affect your mental wellbeing in such a drastic way. Now I am in no way saying that Vitamin D should replace mental health meds if you take them. Nor am I saying that Mental Health issues are not real, because they are VERY real. But, I am saying if you are feeling any of the symptoms that I have listed, get it checked. It can't hurt.

I'm telling everyone who will listen my story. I want to bring more awareness to this.

Please do not take it upon yourselves to diagnose yourselves or start on such an intense therapy alone. CONSULT WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN or mental health professional...

With Sweet Goodness,