Friday, May 29, 2009

Psychodermatology - Have you ever heard of this??

Hey Everyone,
Let me ask you... When you are upset or anxious, do you also itch? I know I do. And because I suffer from eczema, the smallest touch of anxiety and I itch like crazy. Generally, I can use topical cremes from the dermatologist to soothe it, but when I'm upset, nothing helps... And I have always wondered why... Well now the study of just this particular condition has a name... Psychodermatology - You knew someone would give bad nerves and itchy skin a formal name :)

Psychodermatogy is a field that addresses the impact of an individual's emotion as it relates to the skin.

"The mind and skin are connected on many different levels," Mallin tells WebMD. "A lot of nerve endings are connected to the skin, which wraps around the organs, so as emotions are played out neurologically, they can be expressed through the skin just as stress can be expressed through gastrointestinal symptoms, increased anxiety, or hypertension."

So when you begin to itch uncontrollably, take a second to evaluate your emotions. If you find that things are a little chaotic, take a minute to find a quiet area and collect your thoughts. It should make you feel a little better.

With Sweet Goodness,

Success Before Work

Well.. as I begin to use this medium (blogging). I find myself a little apprehensive. I mean, I write well, but to let people inside my world is a little daunting. It's extremely easy to post great news and reviews... but other stuff??? Nooooo!!! LOL! So, I have decided to use this medium as a place for encouragement and information; a way for me to open up a bit and... the occasional shameless plug for The Body Patisserie (smile)-- Hey, a girl's got a business to run...

Today's Quote of the day is: "The only place where Success comes before Work is in the dictionary". I heard this at an awards ceremony at my son's school and loved it! I thought it would be a great way to get started.

I know we see the lives of celebrities and mega entrepreneurs and say "I want that!". But do you really know how hard they worked to get it and how much harder they work to keep it? They are focused on their goals and let nothing stand in their way. This is not only applicable to celebs. ANYONE who achieved success (which is very personal to each individual -- to some it's financial abundance, to someone else it could be making sure that all the kids get to their activities on time).. You get the point...

If we want it (whatever IT is to you), we have to work on it. We have to work through the exhaustion and keep pushing forward. It may seem hard and the results may not come immediately, but if we keep working and if we stay positive, we will receive the success we are trying to attain... No matter how YOU classify success.

With Sweet Goodness